by Michael | Nov 6, 2012 | San Diego Fitness Psychology
When it comes to belly buttons, having an “inny” or an “outy” has no real effect on health. When it comes to motivation — especially for health and fitness goals — being an inny or an outy can make all the difference.
by Michael | Sep 11, 2012 | San Diego Fitness Psychology
Depending on who you ask, it seems almost everyone these days is “middle-age.” The US Census says it’s basically between 35-54 years old. Some say between 45-60, and others say it extends to 65 years old. Point is the idea of “middle-age” covers a whole lot of people,...
by Michael | Sep 7, 2012 | San Diego Fitness Psychology
It all started with Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett. After the singer’s shocking death followed by the death of the actress a day later to cancer in August 2009, Twitter users started claiming other celebrities were dead too. Britney Spears. Sean Combs. Paul...
by Michael | Sep 7, 2012 | San Diego Fitness Psychology
Food has come to have meaning, and perhaps that’s the problem. Isn’t food just fuel for a healthy body? When did food become more than just nourishment? Doesn’t healthy eating mean eating the necessary food groups in an enjoyable way to maintain a...
by Michael | Aug 14, 2012 | San Diego Fitness Psychology
We operate from three basic emotions — all negative. Without awareness, these fundamental emotions have the potential to derail us on our path to a happier, healthier life. Click here if you are ready to shift from a negative to positive state and achieve your...
by Michael | Mar 6, 2012 | San Diego Fitness Psychology
Ever wonder what world-class, elite level athletes do before they get on the field? They do the same thing that well-informed fitness enthusiasts, celebrity trainers and leading coaches do. They use relaxation and visualization techniques to boost their...